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HomeEntrepreneurs12 Reasons You Should Never Hire Friends

12 Reasons You Should Never Hire Friends

1. When Emotion is Involved, Poor Decisions are Made

You are trying to help them but are they trying to help themselves? If your reason for hiring a friend is to help them financially instead of loaning them money you may never get back, you are making a mistake. you should be helping YOURSELF first THEN helping them not the other way around. (click “Next” above or below to see next segment)


2. Friends Know your Weaknesses

And they will use them against you in business. They won’t think it’s malicious but you will.


3. Friends Make you Feel Obligated

You put yourself in a poor position when you hire a friend MOSTLY because of this…


4. YOU make you feel Obligated

Your intentions are good but you soon realize you’ve made a mistake and now you have to pay more either in money or time to fix it.


5. You Hesitate to Express Dismay

You want to make them as comfortable as possible but why?


6. You Sacrifice the Time and Money because You Don’t want to lose the Friendship

You have bitten off more than you can chew but at this point it’s too late. You have to find a way to get out of the mess that you put yourself in.


7. You are more considerate for friends than you are for other employees

If your employees see this, it will certainly cause decention and strife which could end up being a much bigger problem for you.


8. Friends Expect you to give them breaks

They are only concerned about their own situation and it makes since, it is paramount to them at this time and you are secondary.


9. They will make excuses and Expect you to Understand

After all you knew they were having financial problems so what’s YOUR problem?


10. The whole things was a complete waste of time

Now you may have a better understanding of why they are broke and in the situation they are in, in the first place


11. The lines between Friends and Employee and boss are blurred

Know this from gate and you will realize it was best to simply GIVE them the money. Good luck.


12 There is a sense of entitlement and disrespect disguised as a pat on the back and respect

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