Angry TikTok Users Blast Airbnb for Upsetting Slave Cabin Listing: “How is this OK in somebody’s mind?”


Angry TikTok users blasted Airbnb for an upsetting slave cabin listing. The Airbnb was thrust into the hot seat after a viral TikTok video showcasing what the owner described as an “1830s slave cabin” was listed. The company apologized for the offensive post and insisted that it would change other “former slave quarters” listings.

“This is not ok,” was captioned for the screenshot of the rental house that displayed “The Panther Burn Cottage @ Belmont Plantation” in Greenville, Mississippi. 

“This particular structure, the Panther Burn Cabin, is an 1830s slave cabin from the extant Panther Burn Plantation to the south of the Belmont. It has also been used as a tenant sharecroppers cabin and a medical office for local farmers and their families to visit the plantation doctor,” read the screenshot of the listing.

The Belmont Plantation is the “last antebellum mansion along the river in the Mississippi Delta,” stated the website. It was the “sharecroppers cottage at the back of the property; the most private space on the property & the only one with a TV,” according to a page on the website. 

“How is this OK in somebody’s mind to rent this out? A place where human beings were kept as enslaved people, rent this out as bed and breakfast?” said Wynton Yates, who posted the TikTok.

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Angry TikTok Users Blast Airbnb for Upsetting Slave Cabin Listing: “How is this OK in somebody’s mind?” 2