Minneapolis, MN ““ A career is a terrible thing to waste! Today, nothing is truer.
On Tuesday April 20th, the Conclave presents its next webinar – Strategizing Your Career: How To Get YOUR Ideal Job with Laurie Kahn. Learn how (AND where) to look for a job, plan your career and SUCCESSFULLY brand and promote yourself! To register as an attendee, click on !
The Tuesday webinar (yes, Tuesday”¦not the usual Wednesday Conclave presentation) will cover topics for recent grads up to tenured workers and will include ideas on how to look for a job, how to plan your career and what steps need to be taken to get there, how and where to look for a job, how to brand and promote yourself and how to consider jobs outside of the box. Resume guidelines, compensation negotiation strategies and communication tips ““ essential tools to help in your search will be discussed.
Laurie Kahn is Founder and President of Media Staffing Network, Inc. the first staffing company to cater exclusively to media sales and associated departments for both temporary and permanent placement for the Agency, Broadcast, Cable, Internet, New Media and Print industries. Successfully placing people since 1993, Kahn has expand ed her practice, lending her staffing and sales management expertise to the general market. She is currently CEO and Co/Founder of All About Careers, a start up business which is a comprehensive resource for job hunters and corporations.
Said Executive Director Tom Kay, “Statistics indicate an individual will hold dozens of jobs and enter and exit many careers in their lifetime. With something as important and relevant as the quest for one’s livelihood, it’s amazing so many engage in that hunt without the knowledge necessary to maximize the search for an ideal career. In Laurie Kahn, we’re pleased to present a true expert in the difficult field of career selection and pursuit. Don’t miss this important, very personal, webinar.”
The 2010 Learning Conference ““ FREEWAY TO YOUR FUTURE – July 15-17, being held at the Doubletree Park Place Hotel in Minneapolis, will kick-off on Thursday July 15 with the Jacobs Media Summer School, followed by a gangbuster agenda that includes the exclusive four-hour Promotion Summit, Conclave College, and an all-star faculty of keynoters and presenters. Tuition for the conference is only $299!
For more information about this summer’s Learning Conference, visit for more information.
The Conclave is a 35-year-old 501(c) 3 non-profit corporation. The Conclave offers year-round learning to the industry including webinars, TalenTrak, and the Summer Learning Conference ““ and has provided nearly $80,000 annually in media scholarships.