Millie Jackson missed her calling as a comedian but maybe not… she certainly incorporated her comedic talents in her shows. She was not the first x-rated black female performer but she was the first black female R&B singer who was x-rated and urban radio has always been ridiculously conservative so they would not play her. My good friend Scott Galloway appears in the segment giving some interesting history on Millie. Millie is in great spirits just the way you would expect someone to be how has lived their lives with no regrets. Her daughter Keisha states during the segment that Millie spent her money very wisely so she is not broke and she’s made some good investments. There are no tales of her being ripped off by management or being on drugs or alcohol like most of the UNSUNG episodes Millie just did it her way and that didn’t appeal to a lot of radio stations but it appealed to Millie who states during the segment that she has no regrets. The show is still worth watching as Millie is very entertaining and funny. Â I met her many years ago while working at a radio station and she asked me “Baby, where are you from?” When I told her Buffalo she said “What the fuck do they do in Buffalo, lay around and make baby DJs all day?” I thought I would never stop laughing.