Radio Facts:
Pastor John Gray’s appearance at the White House at the Table with President Trump Backfires.
Pastor John Gray, who has (maybe now HAD) a show on OWN TV, and has been a practicing Pastor for many years states the Lord told him to be at the table to try to get answers on prison reform with President Trump. He is responding to the backlash from the community who see what he did as a more of a photo op and betrayal.
Gray is doing some damage control here (did Oprah reach out to him?) indicating he may have lost some things for making the appearance but the people closest to him know his heart. Don makes valid points about the church using different subjects to push and hide agendas. Trump has openly attacked Oprah as a future candidate for president. See video of John Gray and Don Lemon interview.
Pastor John Gray on Meeting with President Trump
“I can only speak for me. With everything that I could have lost, and could still lose, I believe that my voice was necessary because I was there for people who could not fight for themselves.” – Pastor John Gray responds to backlash following a meeting with President Trump during which he says he intended to hear more about prison reform
Posted by Don Lemon CNN on Thursday, August 2, 2018