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Milwaukee Restaurant Robbed, Crashed Into Days Apart (Video)

In an unfortunate string of events, Anomaly Catering, a small restaurant on Milwaukee’s north side owned by Blake Campbell and his wife, was both burglarized and damaged by a car crash within days of each other. These incidents have left the small business owners not only with significant property damage but also with the task of rebuilding a business they had just opened a month ago. Despite the setbacks, the Campbells are resilient, rallying with the help of their community to keep their dream alive.

Milwaukee Restaurant Robbed, Crashed Into Days Apart

Initial Burglary Hits the Restaurant

The trouble began just over a week ago when the Campbells arrived at their restaurant to find signs of a break-in. They were greeted by the sight of an open door and soon discovered that thieves had made off with essential equipment needed for their catering business. The stolen items directly impacted their operations, as they were forced to cancel several upcoming jobs.

According to Campbell, they had “about four jobs, and everything was taken.” Milwaukee police are actively investigating the burglary, but as of now, no suspects have been identified. The couple, who have worked tirelessly to build their business, were left feeling violated and unsure of how they would proceed without the necessary equipment. This burglary dealt a heavy blow to the Campbells, but they were determined to move forward, despite the setback.

Devastating Crash Compounds the Situation

As if the burglary weren’t enough, just a few days later, a car speeding down the street crashed directly into their business, causing extensive structural damage. The crash, which was captured on the restaurant’s security camera, occurred early on a Tuesday morning. Footage shows the car barreling down the street before it collides with the front of Anomaly Catering. The driver immediately fled the scene, abandoning the car within the restaurant.

For the Campbells, the damage from the crash compounded the devastation caused by the burglary. Blake Campbell described arriving to find the car still lodged in their building, a sight that was almost too much to process. “We came into our building with a car inside of it,” he said, highlighting the surreal and heartbreaking nature of the situation. Local authorities are now investigating both incidents, working to identify the driver who fled and determine if any connection exists between the two events.

Campbell’s Commitment to the Community

Despite these hardships, the Campbells are known for their commitment to the Milwaukee community, especially to local youth. The couple has been running a kids’ culinary program, designed to engage young people in the art of cooking and give back to the community in a meaningful way. This program has brought the restaurant close to the hearts of many in the neighborhood, and the Campbells’ goodwill has not gone unnoticed.

The recent misfortune has rallied community members, who have shown overwhelming support for the family. Friends and neighbors have stepped up, offering donations to help the Campbells recover and continue their business. “We do a lot for the community, we do a lot for the youth, and you took from everybody—not just us,” Campbell reflected, expressing his disappointment in the incidents, which ultimately harm the wider community as well.

Community Support and a Path Forward

The Campbells’ friends and supporters have launched a GoFundMe campaign to raise funds for the repairs and replacements needed to get Anomaly Catering back on its feet. As of the latest update, the campaign has raised over $6,000, a sign of how much the Campbells mean to their community. The donations will help cover the cost of repairing the damage and replacing the stolen equipment, allowing the couple to continue their work with Milwaukee’s youth through their culinary program.

Local news outlets have shared their story, encouraging anyone with information about the burglary or the crash to come forward. The Campbells’ resilience and determination, along with the community’s support, paint a picture of hope amid adversity. Blake Campbell remains optimistic, despite everything, and believes that this misfortune will not be the end of their journey.

As they work to rebuild, the Campbells are reminded of the strength that comes from community support. They remain committed to their business and their mission of giving back, hoping that their story will inspire others to rally around small businesses facing hardship. The Campbells have faith that with a little help, they’ll continue to provide a welcoming space for Milwaukee residents, especially the younger generation, to learn, grow, and come together.


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