We all know that artists are some of the most uninsured people in the country so this partnership between ASCAP and Sterling Healthworks is pretty dope in my opinion.The American Society of Composers, Authors and Publirs (ASCAP) and Sterling Healthworks (a division of Sterling Risk and partner with MusicPro Insurance) today announced the availability of a comprehensive new ascap member resource for understanding the impending Affordable Care Act, making the right selection for their personal situation and maximizing health insurance affordability. No music organization in the world has more independent songwriter, composer and small music publir members than ASCAP, most of whom are uninsured or underinsured for health care. ascap is the first music organization to establish such a resource for members or affiliates.The Affordable Care Act goes into effect January 1st, 2014, and the selection period recently commenced on October 1st, 2013. The Act will give many songwriters, composers and small music rs here” href=”https://theindustry.biz/tag/publirs/”>publirs the ability to get affordable health insurance for the first time. Because there is tremendous confusion and misinformation about how it works, how to get it, the difference in plans, etc., Sterling Healthworks has developed a web and call center resource for ascap members to receive personalized guidance in health plan selection. It features one-stop convenience, a comprehensive database delivering answers and exclusive unbiased and customized policy selection tools. All a member needs to do is access Sterling Healthworks on the ascap website and type in their age, state of residence, family size and income. The Healthworks tools go to work to help the member evaluate their health plan options and estimate their potential tax credits, without having to make any kind of personal commitment. In the near future, and once the State and Federal Exchange websites are operating smoothly, members can then click to apply for health insurance and compare the cost and coverage offered by the different health plans.