Without question, the black community should not DISCRIMINATE against fat people and the point could be driven home more often if being overweight was not so incredibly unhealthy. Sorry, there is no benefit to having high blood pressure, diabetes and being a good cand idate for a heart attack, blood clots, cancer and an early death. I remember a famous basketball player told me, no matter how her hair looks, no matter what kind of clothes Cliff Winston had done it at KJLH and lost a lot of weight. All of the sudden black people, especially women were calling in and asking for his advice. One woman called in who said porn…. oops, I mean I’ve seen it on various pamphlets. At any rate, it’s a cruise for big women to have a good time and enjoy not being discriminated against but what happens when the cruise is over? Can a woman really get mad at a man for not being sexually attracted to her because