Radio Facts: By DJ Creativity
In the 1990’s Robert Sillerman created a mult billion dollar business by acquiring all of the nations most influential rock concert promoters. Sillerman then took that commodity and sold it to Clear Channel for $4.4 Billion Dollars. Today, we know that company as “Live Nation” which has become the world’s largest concert promoter in the world. Now the word is Sillerman is set to compete with the company he once spawned. However, instead of rock promoters this time Robert is stepping into the ever growing EDM (Electronic, Dance, Music) market. Recently valued at a 4.4 billion dollar industry, EDM shows have become a major player in the concert world. Sillerman has recently announced he will be acquiring all of the top EDM promoters (TomorrowLand, ElectricZooNY, Disco Donnie Presents, etc) for an estimated 1 billion dollars. What will this mean for the EDM community? We sat down with EDM DJ, DJ Holly Rich to get her perspective.
RFVB: Holly how is this change going to effect EDM DJ’s?
Holly: I think that it’s going to widen the gap for newer up and coming DJ’s like myself. It’s going to make it even more difficult for some EDM Dj’s to make it to the next level. . However, I personally am not afraid of hard work and enjoy a good challenge.
RFVB: What effect will this change have on the bigger EDM DJ’s?
Holly: I think it probably is a good thing for the top EDM DJ’s in the world and it will only make it that much easier for them with one company to deal with instead of several.
RFVB: What do you think makes an EDM event different from other events?
Holly: At an EDM event the people attending are watching every move the DJ makes. As a DJ I enjoy watching people have fun. The crowd is so into the music, that I take responsibility for the way people feel in my company.
RFVB: When you take a look at the list of the Top EDM DJ’s in the world they all seem to have something in common, producing. Do you also produce as well?
Holly: No, I have dabbled a little, but at this time I rather focus on my DJ career and spend my time and money into marketing my self and looking for new amazing independent house records.
RFVB: Why is playing independent records so important?
Holly: When I hear a record that I really like I believe in supporting it. I enjoy playing other peoples music and helping great records be heard.
RFVB: You seem very driven and passionate about what you do. Where do you get your motivation from?
Holly: When I was 8 my father handed me a video camera with out any instruction and left me to figure it out on my own. All he said was, “use this to your advantage, use it to capture things you like”. So i would get into peoples faces and talk about the things that interested me. When it was the time to show him my work he said “you have learned a lesson that most kids do not get to learn at a young age, and that’s how to create your own situations and use it to your own advantage”. This is the lesson that gave me the drive to do what i do now.
RFVB: How can people get in touch with you?
Holly: and my email is [email protected]