Twoeastern North Carolina Universities have establid a new partnership topromote collaboration between the two UNC System institutions in meeting theirrespective missions.
EastCarolina University and Fayetteville State University are both committed to theregion and its students, and the new memorandum of understanding between thetwo represents a new effort to identify opportunities to work together topromote graduate recruitment and education; undergraduate student engagementand collaboration; and research, public service and scholarship.
“We have avery diverse student population with differing personal and professional goals,and it is our responsibility to develop academic pathways that will help themachieve their goals,” said Dr. Lee Brown, provost and vice chancellor foracademic affairs at FSU. “For many, it is immediately joining theworkforce and applying their knowledge and abilities to problems in industryand government, but for others it’s to advance to higher levels in theircareers, conduct complex research, or pursue an academic career.
“Thisagreement with our sister institution helps us to fulfill our obligation ofmeeting the needs of our students, no matter their goal.”
Under theagreement, ECU and FSU have committed to developing pipelines linking FSU’sundergraduate students to ECU’s graduate and professional programs; encouragingcollaborations between academic programs and faculties in the areas ofresearch, scholarship, public service and creative activity; and exploring thedevelopment of a short-term faculty exchange program.
“We are excited about the potential of this partnership with Fayetteville State University,” said Dr. Grant Hayes, acting provost at ECU. “Our mission as a university centers on student success and regional transformation, and providing pathways for students in eastern North Carolina to pursue their educational goals is a key part of that mission. Through this collaboration we will seek new opportunities for partnership and work together to the benefit of both institutions, our students and the region.”
Jules Norwood, ECU News Services, [email protected]
Jeff Womble, associate vice chancellor for communications, FayettevilleState University, [email protected]