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HBO Star Accused of Racial Profiling at Popular Hamptons Restaurant (Video)

In the Hamptons, a popular vacation destination, a dispute involving allegations of racial profiling has surfaced, bringing a prominent restaurant owner into the spotlight. Rachel Tucker, an African-American woman, claims she experienced discrimination at 75 Main, a well-known restaurant in Southampton, New York. Tucker’s accusations stem from an incident where she says the owner forced her to move seats due to complaints about her natural hair from another table.

The restaurant owner, Zach Erdem, who is also the star of HBO Max’s reality show Serving The Hamptons, has since responded to the allegations, denying any racial motives behind the situation. The incident is now under public scrutiny, as both sides present different accounts of what transpired.

HBO Star Accused of Racial Profiling at Popular Hamptons Restaurant

The Incident

Rachel Tucker, who owns a home in the Hamptons and has spent many summers there, visited 75 Main for dinner with her friends. According to Tucker, she had previously visited the restaurant without any issues. However, during this particular visit, she was asked to move seats because the patrons sitting at a nearby table complained that her hair was too big and obstructing their view.

Tucker, who wears her natural 3B curly hair, recounted that within five minutes of sitting down, a man, identified as restaurant owner Zach Erdem, approached her and explained that her hair was too large and in the way of the customers seated behind her. She was then asked to move to a different table near the DJ booth, which she found unacceptable due to the loud environment.

After discussing the matter, Tucker and her friends were relocated to an outdoor table. As the situation began to settle, Tucker reflected on what had transpired and recognized the incident as a form of racial profiling, particularly when considering the fact that her white friends were not the subject of any complaints.

Dispute Over the Bill and Threat of Police Involvement

Tucker and her group ordered drinks and food, but by the end of the evening, she decided not to pay the bill, citing the mistreatment she experienced. She told her server that she didn’t believe they should have to pay, and the server agreed. However, Erdem warned that he would call the police if the bill was not paid.

Fearing that the situation could escalate, especially in front of her visiting friends, Tucker ultimately chose to pay the bill. After leaving the restaurant, she contacted her attorney, James Walker, to pursue legal action against the restaurant, citing racial profiling and negligent behavior.

The Owner’s Response

Zach Erdem has since denied the allegations of racial profiling. In an interview with The Shade Room, Erdem maintained that he did not tell Tucker her hair was “too big” but instead explained that her hair was physically in the way of the table behind her, and the customers seated there were uncomfortable. He clarified that the decision to move Tucker’s party to another table was meant to ensure the comfort of all his customers and not motivated by race.

Erdem admitted that the situation escalated, with both parties raising their voices. He confirmed that he did threaten to call the police if Tucker refused to pay the bill but later instructed his staff to cancel her payment after she left. Erdem expressed regret over how the situation unfolded, stating that he wished to make amends by offering Tucker and her friends a complimentary meal. He also denied being racist, emphasizing his relationships with African-American individuals, both personally and professionally.

Tucker’s attorney, James Walker, insists that the situation was a clear instance of racial profiling and that legal action may be pursued. Walker argues that the restaurant’s actions violate laws concerning public accommodation and racial discrimination. He is demanding a public apology and sensitivity training for Erdem and his staff.

Erdem, for his part, has expressed willingness to undergo sensitivity training and apologize to Tucker, though he continues to deny that racial bias played a role in the incident. He reiterated his openness to resolving the matter by making amends and inviting Tucker and her family back to the restaurant.

Moving Forward

This incident has sparked discussions about racial profiling and customer treatment in upscale areas like the Hamptons. As the matter unfolds, it remains to be seen whether legal action will proceed or if both parties will reach an amicable resolution. Public opinion is divided, with many expressing outrage at the treatment Tucker received, while others are siding with Erdem, believing that the incident may have been a misunderstanding. Regardless of the outcome, this event has highlighted the ongoing challenges surrounding race and discrimination in public spaces.


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