Saturday, February 15, 2025

Top 5 This Week

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HT Visits the LBJ National Historical Park

On Tuesday, student leaders involved in Green is the New Black, and who are majoring in environmental studies, participated in a trip to the Lyndon B. Johnson National Historical Park led by park rangers and staff of the National Park Conservation Association. The LBJ Historical Park is located in Stonewall, TX. In this presidential park, it is possible to trace the ancestry and heritage of our 36th President as well as his birth, childhood, political career, retirement, and death. Students enjoyed a tour of the park’s grounds, and even had a chance to walk through the Johnson’s home, where numerous dignitaries and world leaders visited before, during, and after President Johnson’s term in the White House. Thank you to the Lyndon B. Johnson National Historical Park staff, and to the NPCA for their wonderful tours and workshop session. 

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