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BREAKING NEWS: J Anthony Brown Exits Tom Joyner Morning Show

Originally posted Jan 13, 2016. Remember when J. Anthony Brown quit the Tom Joyner Morning Show on the air?

Sources have informed RadioFacts that comedian J Anthony Brown has exited his longstanding post with the Tom Joyner Morning show. Brown, according to sources is allegedly upset about the pay and another new syndicated host getting a larger salary from Reach Media….

Today J. Anthony Brown surprised Tom Joyner, Sybil Wilkes and the production staff of the Tom Joyner Morning Show with the following:After the end of the first break, at 6:10am CT, the hour the following exchanged occurred -ON AIR – 6:10 am(Tom Joyner taking the show to break)Tom Joyner: Ten, ten past the hourOFF AIRTom Joyner: Player, you feel alright?J. Anthony Brown: Huh?Tom Joyner: You feel alright today?J. Anthony Brown: No, I don’t feel good. Uh, in fact I’m quitting. I’m quitting today. (laughter from Tom and Sybil) You guys can have it, man. I’ve had enough of this, seriously. Bye(more laughter from Tom and Sybil)Sybil Wilkes: (chucking) Bye? What’s the matter?Tom Joyner: I don’t know. Did he just cut the mic? Player?…Player?Off air Tom asked if J. Anthony Brown was alright. J. responded the he was not and that he was “quitting.” Both Tom and Sybil responded with laughter followed by J. Anthony Brown saying he was serious and no further response.After several tries to reconnect with Brown, Tom Joyner attempted to reach out to him in both a personal and professional way ending with all surprised that he had actually left the studio.J. Anthony Brown is currently under contract with Reach Media Inc. and the Tom Joyner Morning Show. There is a plan to discuss today’s events with Brown.Tomorrow on The Tom Joyner Morning Show the Party with a Purpose® continues with weekly co-host Sherri Shepherd, correspondent Don Lemon and guests Marlon Wayans, Affion Crocket, Charlie Murphy and Omari Hardwick; as well as TJMS co-host and daily regulars Sybil Wilkes, Huggy Lowdown and comedian Chris Paul.

Hear Audio of J Anthony Brown Quitting.

We will keep all updated as information is received. 



    • One thing I know is that the show is not boring, as well as funny its informative and challenging it inspires me as well as other individuals to contribute to their (the show) core values “Party with a purpose” and as for “J” and Sybil that gag has been running since day one…….and believe me they know how to run a gag which this might as well be, so one thing for sure we will do one thing…………Stay tuned!!

      • I agree. They are informative, professional and hilarious unlike a few of the other radio stations. (I’m not going to mention names). I pray for them and the show.

      • Wow, we should be supporting each other. There are enough of other people dissing we as a people without our help. I’m glad you can still get the TJM Show, because we don’t get any of the syndicated Black Radio shows in our area any more, because the racist town I live in, in the CNY area were cancelled in our area. Not because they weren’t popular, but for the simple fact that show like the TJM Show, The Michael Baisden show, and there was one other popular Black Radio show on, but they all got cancelled because they were keeping the black community informed about what was going on in the black community around the country, because the less informed we are, the more complacent we become, and not cause trouble like they feel the Black Lives Matter protesters are doing. So I stopped listening to the radio completely since they removed all the black radio stations from us receiving them in my area. But they forget that we are not stupid people, they forget, we can still hear the programs via the internet. A lot more black homes have computers and access to the internet than what the media is reporting, so they are not keeping us from being informed, like we were when the TJM show, and I think Michael Baisden show is how the black community learned about the Jena 6 boys from Jena, Louisiana. So don’t knock these black radio shows, because we may not appreciate the music, or their side kicks are permanent guests on the show, buts more important is that we stay informed. Be blessed.

    • Writing in all capital letters suggest you are shouting. If you use all caps, widen the space between your words so they are legible.

    • That show is anything but boring! In my eyes, it’s the best show out there. Been listening to them for years!! Still a fan! They crack jokes, but no they don’t act just plain silly. And I’m glad that they don’t. They discuss real issues and professionally cover the news each morning. Tom, J, and Sybil make a great team. Can’t replace neither one of those three. If the team breaks up, I’m out.

    • Yes. I agree. She has a nasty habit of always trying to correct not only J. Anthony Brown, but Tom too at times. Yes, by now everyone who listens to this show knows she’s educated, and I’m all for people being educated, but it’s like she just takes it too far. Things sometimes said incorrectly that were meant to be funny, she just spoils it with her “correctness”. I stopped listening to the show because of her. She’s too fake for me and it really comes through every time she opens her mouth or starts with that fake laugh. Yes, maybe she needs to go be with Tavis or somebody that’s on her “level”.

  2. Sometime its just time for a change. Sometime people think every thing is a joke. He may feel disrespected .
    Or he might just be tired .
    Mr . Jay Anthony Brown sometimes you need change . Just know your fans love you.

  3. Jay was and is a great comedian. He rolls with the remarks that are said and does a hell of a job at it. If he leaves, he will be missed. We all know everything comes to an end. This may be Jays swan song. Hope they can work ths out. The cast has an amazing chemistry.

  4. Actually J Anthony Brown is not that funny anyway on the show. Everytime a guest is talking he rudely cuts them off especially on serious subject matter. Let him go.

  5. J Anthony Brown is not that funny on the show anyway. He is truly annoying when a guest is speaking on serious subject matter and he is constantly cutting the guest off. He is flat out rude and drives me crazy.

  6. It’s all in good fun if he’s not having fun anymore more then later because a comedian not having fun can not be funny.

  7. Good for him the whole show needs to be revamped after awhile you get sick of the same voices especially the one in the middle

  8. I’m surprised it took this long! Tom Joyner allowed his so called friend Kantor to talk him into selling his company. Tom did it and now the white boy Kantor has the top spot. Tom’s alleged retirement was orchestrated. I personally think Tom confided in Kantor during that last divorce, called himself hiding money so Donna wouldn’t wipe him out and the white boy screwed him royally with no Vaseline! And to now be going to an AM station is unbelievable.

  9. Wish I could’ve heard it. Then again, I’m not a Tom Joyner fan. Good 4 u, J. Anthony Brown, for grabbing ur nuts & taking a stand!!!!!

  10. Wish I could’ve heard it live. Then again, I’m not a fan of the show or of Tom Joyner. Way 2 go J. Anthony Brown for grabbing your manhood & taking a stand

  11. I like Jay on the show. The other morning shows are buffoonery (not in a good way). I choose not to listen to them. If you do not like the TJMS then I suggest you not listen as well

  12. I say, Pay the Man! They Give away a $1000 every Thursday to Mothers who are Struggling…Jay Anthony Brown prolly like Shidd where my $Money at! Lol.. I Quit Lol

  13. I’m sad about Jay Anthony Brown leaving. I have always enjoyed TJMS for years even after retirement. Please get Jay back. If it’s money, give him more money. He deserves it.! Come on Tom! This is your true friend. Get him back!! Come back Jay! If Jay Anthony Brown is gone for good I’m gone too!

  14. Wow I just heard the news about Jay Anthony Brown I do love the show but Jay does interrupt when Jackie reid has a informative topic and also I was unprofessional to do it on the air he should have finished out the day

  15. I enjoyed listening to J Anthony Broen and Tom Joyner together. It was very entertaining in the morning. Really started my day in a positive way! I am going to miss him if he decides to move on but that is life. You have to adjust to the new changes

  16. Jay is actually the BEST part of the whole show. Joyner is outdated but with his relationship with Jay, he remained fresh. Sybil is just the average news anchor. She does her job well but there’s nothing particularly stand out about her, or that anyone else couldn’t do, except when she and Jay cut up. Jay is the nucleus for that show. You can bring on other comedians but it’s the rapport that Jay has with Joyner and Sybil that made the show successful.

  17. Jay is truly the main reason I listened to the show! He was the one that pulled the show together! Especially when he start preparing to be absent and you can’t wait for him to return to hear his excuse upon returning!
    Can’t take friendship for granted! Don’t know the whole story, but do what it takes to get him back and show him that the friendship is more then money egoes, or whatever!

  18. The show is like family, when you have a disagreement you call for a meeting, you make jokes about other people airing there bussiness on social media and yet you guys do the same thing. No one is perfect, Mr. Brown you have a valid point but you went about all wrong, everyone can be replaced and tomarrow is not promised. If its not broken don’t try to fix it. Mr. Brown, Mr. Joyner, Ms. Sybil you guys make the show, I hope you can resolve this issues and move on.

  19. I love J on the show. Jay is very entertaining & yes FUNNY He and Tom roll very well together. Let’s do what’s need to bring him back. The show really needs JAY

  20. I would like to submit my resume if the TJMS would like to feature a GOSPEL SONG addition to the show with a trademark inspirational word.I am a awardwinning announcer from the STL former PD FOR KATZ AM. Calvin King contact IJS IJP (I’M JUST PRAYING) smile check out the inspiring word on YouTube video ” ,Calvin King Preaching with out a License”

  21. Hmmm, could it be because they’re replacing TTJM 6 a.m. time slot with the Russ Parr show and relocating TTJM show to 1040 am radio? SLAP in the face much!?

  22. Huggy not corny. Humorous most times, funny at his best. You not going to laugh at all your favorite comedian jokes.So back off the homie

  23. I just hope everything works out for all of them as friends, co-workers and getting payed! These brothers and sisters have entertained and informed our communities for a very long time and I for one, appreciate and salute all of their efforts! No hate here!

  24. That’s sad, and sure hate to see Jay leave. I’ve heard those same voices over the radio on my way to work for so many years. Well I’m sure he has a valid reason for leaving. If you mess with a person’s money……ain’t a damn thang funny.

  25. He laugthed all the even times.everything was funny to him.he needed to leave.even serious.stuff was funny to him.he made fun of david bowie.

  26. He wasn’t funny at all to me. He repeated or piggybacked off everything Tom said. I’m sure he will pop up somewhere doing his thing soon. Just needed a change I guess.

  27. Is this another joke? Two years ago they made it seem that Tom fired him when he kept talking about the lady singing Amazing Grace on the subway (or train, or something). When everyone kept calling and texting Tom finally came forward and said it was a joke and that J. was on vacation.

  28. Stevo just pay mr brown and keep him happy nothing’s worst than a unhappy comedian. Yes the show can go on but do you really want go without him?

  29. I agree, I dont find the TJMS, exciting at all, I would listen to it in Houston, and to be honest, I hate it when they say it 10 past the hour, what hour, the jokes are not funny, and as educated as these folks are, they all sound like they dropped out of school in the second grade, I am so tired of these talk personalities with all this education, and even though TJ has his foundation, I just want a change and looking for some Radio folks with some substance, that’s my 2 cents worth!!

  30. I love the show they are really making a difference in the world unlike those other shows that thrive on straight drama . Tom show is informative funny and educational . J is a comedien you can’t say nothing too hurt his feeling

  31. J ditches and is late or doesn’t show with no call or text. That’s not right. Since they didn’t fire him for cause,he decided to quit in a bad way. Tom get a new side kick.

  32. Jay is one funny dude man……And a Great Fit for show! When he interrupts…its halarious to me and he how far to go with it. The three are an awesome team.

  33. I absolutely love the TJMS! I have been listening to this show since I was in college back in the 90s. This show is informative and funny. There is no other morning show out there like the TJMS. They help the community, teach our history, stand up for current issues that affect our community, and they make you laugh. They get my morning started!! I liked the chemistry so I hope that Tom, Sybil, and J are doing this shows for many more years.

  34. Seriously though, heard somewhere that the head hunchos wanted Tom to leave so there may be more to the story than meets the immediate eye.

  35. I love J Anthony Brown, he’s been a professional comedian for decades. I have missed his interaction with Myra J ever since she left, that’s when the show was truly funny. Yes, the show/foundation does excellent and valuable work, let’s wish them all well for future success!

  36. It’s a great show BUT maybe J is tired of not going along with the crowd (Sybil & Tom)
    Maybe Jay has political differences and thinks like many Hillary needs to be in jail for Benghazi taking down Kadhfi and he likes Trump it’s hard to say. I’m sure that it’s not about money because Tom is extremely good to his close friends. It’s not April but this is also around the same time last year when Sybil was joked about leaving
    One thing I have noticed is all three musketeers agreed more or less and it will be interesting to see how this turns out

  37. Steve is tired. He cannot possibly do all things well. I love Steve, but he has enough to do. Leave Tom Joyner in his spot, and figure out what’s wrong with Jay.

  38. The show is corny as hell. All that fake ass laughing .no matter what joke is said .they pretend to throwup laughing. Every thing isnt that damn funny at 6 in the mourning. Cmon now. Really ! Sybils laugh is most ignoring of all the fake laughing. I only listen for the info side of it. But instanly turnoff when that corny ass laughing starts

  39. They like to make corny ass jokes about every one ,but why is it that they never joked about toms ugly ill built ass only got his x wife cause he got money. So they need to stop that playa shit .thats a trick in reality. Tell some jokes about that playas

  40. Wow! I took a couple of months off and Wew! Hey guys, I’ve been listening to the TJMS for over a decade . I wasn’t aware until now, that there was/is a conflict between the team. I must confess during the past year I’ve been alternating between TJMS and Sirius thus reason for dismay. However, here’s my 2 cent, I like the diversity and camaraderie amongst the team. I hope that they can come to some sort of concession and keep the show going. Because the jokes, the news and commentaries are interesting and keeps us informed as well as entertained. So, KEEP UP the great work you guys and try to keep the family together. God bless…

  41. I listen each morning on my way to work. Every job is about money so if, He’s gone let him go one man can’t derail this or any show.

  42. In reality it is a job, people do get fed up and burned out, just like we do on our jobs and in regular life! Public figures that work and are under a microscope all of the time, we do not know the extent of of pressure they are under: for instance Jay just doesn’t go into the bathroom to defecate, and comes out and say ” look what came out Tom i just murdered another hit” I am sure we would all be astonished about the amount of work involved,and as for workplace atmosphere and camaraderie, there is no place of employment where everyone gets along no matter how small the number, all I am saying is that,he is only flesh and blood but yet a great guy; and co-host IN MY OPINION!

  43. Shocked and sadden by J (Hot Sauce Brown’s), departure. Been on the road with work and to finally catch up with the gang and find out J is not there?. Was quite a surprise and judging by Tom and Sybil’s tone, you can clearly tell the chemistry has left the room. They are family and family’s fight, but make up. It’s time for unity and to push aside any animosity and work this out!, you will lose ratings if he leaves. As it has happened before, with the pay dispute. Leave you’re ego’s at the door and pull it together. We only get one go round at this life, it’s full of regrets and this is one of them.

  44. I have been waiting for him to come back; I just thought he was ill. I love Jay; he is funny, irreverent and I love how he murdered the hits. The TJMS won’t be the same without him!!!

  45. I love the Tom Joyner Show. I wake up to it and listen to it until it goes off everyday. All have a role on the show. Tom keeps the show moving, Sybil is the serious one keeps things factual and balanced, and and Jay the comedian, whose job is to be funny. All are very good at what they do. If any of the three elements are missing it’s like missing a piece of a puzzle. I pray that they work their issues out. I really love the Tom Joyner show and what it stands for in the black community especially when it comes to HBCUs.

  46. I listen to them every morning on my way to work and I’m done after Christmas break. It’s not the same without Jay Anthony Brown. And Skip is NOT funny. He’s trying to be like Tom and is not entertaining at all. I’m going to miss you Jay Anthony Brown. Good bye TJMS show.

  47. I love the show, it’s entertaining and funny, I was in shock when I learn of J Leaving the show, and yes J is funny, I love him, and will miss him dearly

  48. I love the show and really like the core co-host! The show is not the same without Jay Anthony Brown. I am really saddened and hope that they can work through those issues. We need to have some quality things persevere through time!!! It was both good entertainment and provided good information!

  49. I think the show is not that funny now. J did keep it fun and I hope something can be done to get them back together……. GOD BLESS!!!!!!!

  50. Jay was cool. I liked the chemistry they had. It’s like they were best friends on the air. I hope they will work things out for him.

  51. Hmmm I was so glad when they took that Steve Harvey of in the morning. But I love 94.5 …no jay not Sybil nor tom I loved the team…dam
    Now I got bill an aresenio .dumb

  52. Get some season and new talent. Love the show but the chose of music and the lack of laughter is lacking. Go back to the style of music that sounds good to your true mid age listener. The comedian you have as host are boring. Your show is going to have to find someone truly funny Sherry Sheppard is not funny. Still love your show but J was great with you & for the show. You have Big Shoes(J) to fill. Good luck

  53. I will truly miss j Anthony he’s a very funny comedian and I feel that the three of them made the morning show . A radio show we need to have ALWAYS but does sybil want to be the comedian now even though they have one or two on everyday

  54. Shared facts of importance that matter to people who look like us is the true meaning of the show. The rest is just entertainment. Stay on track, stay up and pass it on to the unimformed.


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