List of Stations Playing the Michael Baisden Show


Here is a list of current Radio Stations playing the Michael Baisden show. We will keep you posted as more Radio Stations are added.

  • ATLANTA, GA                                    WALR
  • WASHINGTON, DC                          WHUR
  • TA, FL                                          WTMP
  • OKLAHOMA CITY, OK                     KRMP
  • MEMPHIS, TN                                    WLRM
  • MOBILE-PENSACOLA, FL               WRNE
  • TULSA, OK                                           KGTO
  • FLINT, MI                                             WOWE
  • SAVANNAH, GA                               WLVH
  • AUGUSTA-AIKEN, GA                    WAKB
  • COLUMBUS, GA                               WKZJ
  • MONROE-EL DORADO, TX            KJMG
  • LAWTON, OK                                     KKRX
  • LAKE CHARLES, LA                            KZWA


  1. I wonder if this racist fool even knows what he is talking about. Perhaps this is a ploy to get attention or even RATINGS for a failing radio show? Whatever the reason, if he had actual FACTS, they would CHOKE is ignorant rants. How in the hell would HE know how many Black people had checking and ATM accounts? For one,…it’s NONE OF HIS BUSINESS….Second…Black people don’t want to be like ANYBODY else on the planet…not even the Jewish people. What is this fool SMOKING????? Get him off the air!!!

  2. Jill Scott is such an inspiration to me. As a woman who represents many facets of what it is to be a BLACK woman. I adore Jill, Im loving that she is growing. Keep shining “DIAMOND” and keeping soaring “BLACK BUTTERFLY”. You are loved.

  3. I am a radioman I worked in radio on air for over 30 years
    I don’t see the need for syndication in radio it deprives the listener of the feel of live radio
    the person on air can’t relate to the local area in real time
    and as for the comedians on air doing syndication that is the most crazy idea
    radio needs to bring back the real people in radio
    while on air I was my own producer ,programmer ,music director ,board operator
    and the on air talent.
    and why do morning shows have to have 3 and for people to do a simple 4 hr show
    this is why they have to charge so much for a spot on the morning show

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