Home news Man Kills Coworker Over Breaks: Shocking Workplace Tragedy (Video)

Man Kills Coworker Over Breaks: Shocking Workplace Tragedy (Video)


A tragic incident unfolded in Lewisville, Texas, when a 51-year-old man named Travis Merrill was arrested and charged with the murder of his coworker, Tamara Collazo. According to authorities and court documents, Merrill’s actions stemmed from an unhealthy obsession with Collazo and frustration over her taking what he considered to be excessively long breaks at work.

Man Kills Coworker Over Breaks: Shocking Workplace Tragedy

The Accused: Travis Merrill

Travis Merrill, a resident of Lewisville, was described by some of his neighbors as “a bit off,” though they were shocked to learn about his alleged involvement in the killing. One neighbor, Darcy White, who often saw Merrill, shared his uneasy feelings about Merrill but never expected something this severe. White recounted how a relative of Merrill’s was giving away some of his belongings shortly after the incident, unaware of the gravity of the situation until it was revealed that Merrill had been charged with murder.

Merrill lived in the same complex as Adriana Solis and her 13-year-old son. Solis described how Merrill had asked her personal questions in the past, which made her cautious of him. Like many others, she sensed something was off, but she never imagined her neighbor would be involved in such a violent crime.

The Crime: Preplanned Workplace Murder

The events leading up to the murder began long before the fatal shooting. Court documents reveal that Merrill had developed an obsession with his coworker, Tamara Collazo, at Allegiance Trucking, where both were employed. His fixation was not reciprocated, and according to Merrill, Collazo frequently ignored him, which further fueled his growing anger.

One of the key triggers for Merrill’s escalating hostility, according to the affidavit, was Collazo taking what Merrill perceived to be unauthorized and prolonged breaks during work hours. This frustration and his inability to garner any attention from her led Merrill to develop a plan for revenge. He expressed that Collazo “caused him pain,” and he wanted her to experience the same.

Complaints and Counseling

Tamara Collazo had reported Merrill’s unsettling behavior to their workplace administration. This led to a requirement for Merrill to undergo counseling before being allowed to return to work. Despite this intervention, Merrill’s anger and resentment only deepened. Upon his return, Merrill noticed that his coworkers were avoiding him, which he interpreted as them believing he was a psychopath. This perception only added to his deteriorating mental state and spurred him to take even more drastic measures.

The Murder

On October 17, 2023, Travis Merrill carried out the grim plan he had been devising. He walked into the Allegiance Trucking office in Lewisville, armed with two revolvers. According to police reports, Merrill shot Tamara Collazo five times while she sat at her cubicle, in full view of around two dozen coworkers. The scene was both chaotic and horrifying, as witnesses were forced to watch the shooting unfold before their eyes.

Despite the violence, Merrill did not attempt to flee the scene. Instead, he calmly waited for law enforcement to arrive. When police reached the office, Merrill immediately surrendered without resistance.

Motive: Anger and Obsession

In the investigation following his arrest, Merrill was forthcoming about his motives. He admitted to being obsessed with Collazo and expressed anger over her breaks and lack of attention toward him. His grievances appeared to focus heavily on these minor workplace interactions, which he interpreted as slights against him.

He admitted to meticulously planning the attack, detailing how he had purchased guns with the intention of killing Collazo. His statements to the police suggested that he harbored a desire for revenge, believing that Collazo had caused him emotional distress and that her death would make her “feel the same pain” he had experienced.

Aftermath and Charges

Travis Merrill was arrested and is currently being held in the Denton County Jail. His bond has been set at $10 million, reflecting the severity of the crime and the danger he poses to the public. He faces charges of first-degree murder, and the legal process is now underway.

Neighbors and coworkers have been left stunned by the events. Many have expressed sadness over the loss of Collazo and fear that someone they thought they knew could be capable of such violence. Merrill’s mental state, while noted as potentially unstable by those who knew him, did not present a clear and immediate danger until it was too late. His neighbors, like Adriana Solis, have expressed concern that warning signs were missed or misinterpreted.


The murder of Tamara Collazo by Travis Merrill has left the Lewisville community in shock. What started as an obsession over seemingly minor workplace issues escalated into a premeditated act of violence, leading to a tragic loss of life. Merrill’s case serves as a grim reminder of how personal obsessions and unresolved mental health issues can culminate in devastating actions. The investigation continues, as the legal system works to bring justice for Collazo and her grieving family.

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