Sunday, September 29, 2024

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Pastor Calls for Action After Antioch Shooting Injures Mother, Son (video)

In another violent weekend for the city of Antioch, a homeless mother and her son were injured in a shooting incident near a local Rite Aid. The shooting occurred on Sunday morning around 9:00 AM, at the intersection of East 18th and E Streets, Antioch, California. The mother has since been released from the hospital, while her son remains in critical condition. This incident is just one of many violent episodes that have shaken the city in recent weeks.

Pastor Calls for Action After Antioch Shooting Injures Mother, Son

Uptick in Violent Crime in Antioch

Antioch has been experiencing a noticeable rise in violent crime, particularly gun-related incidents. Earlier this month, the city was rocked by a fatal shooting, and the violence has persisted since then. The most recent shooting comes on the heels of a string of incidents that have raised concerns among residents, community leaders, and city officials.

April, a witness to Sunday’s shooting and the godmother of a previous shooting victim, described the harrowing scene. She recounted seeing the homeless mother screaming and bleeding after she and her son were shot near the Rite Aid. April expressed deep concern about the escalating violence, urging for peace, saying, “Please just stop the violence because these bullets don’t have [any place].” She added that innocent people are constantly at risk of being harmed by stray bullets in such incidents.

Community Response and Concern

The violence has not only put residents on edge but also sparked responses from local community leaders and officials. Kiya Brinkley, a pastor at a church located across the street from where Sunday’s shooting took place, emphasized the need for concerted efforts to combat gun violence. She highlighted the importance of coupling prayer with concrete action, particularly through partnerships with local officials, the police department, and community members. Brinkley spoke out against retaliatory shootings, stating, “We do think that some of those things are shootings that are happening recently are related, one to another, in terms of there being this spirit of retaliation out there.”

Brinkley, along with other faith leaders and residents, believes that the violence is part of a pattern of retaliatory acts. These ongoing incidents of gun violence have caused fear and frustration among those living in the area, with many residents calling for more action from city leaders to restore safety.

Efforts to Address the Violence

The Antioch Police Department is actively investigating the recent surge in shootings. Lieutenant Desmond Bittner of the Antioch Police stated that detectives are working diligently to find those responsible for these violent acts. He reiterated that the police department is doing everything within its power to ensure public safety, emphasizing that “everybody deserves to live in a safe community.” However, Bittner also acknowledged that these investigations take time, especially when it comes to establishing motives for the shootings.

City officials have also weighed in on the escalating violence. Antioch Mayor Lamar Thorpe issued a statement in response to the recent shootings, noting that outside assistance might be necessary to control the situation. The mayor’s office indicated that Mayor Thorpe is considering requesting mutual aid from neighboring cities to increase the number of police officers on the ground, if the situation requires it. This potential move would bring additional resources into Antioch, providing much-needed support for the local police department as they work to curb the violence.

Antioch City Council member Mike Barbanica, who is also a retired Pittsburgh police officer and currently running for the Contra Costa Board of Supervisors, commented on the shootings. Barbanica encouraged the public to allow the police department to do its work, noting that it often takes time to determine the motives behind violent incidents. “Let the police department come out with the facts on what is related, what is causing them,” Barbanica said, underscoring the complexity of these cases.

Calls for Action and Hope for Resolution

As Antioch struggles to cope with the recent surge in shootings, residents, leaders, and officials are looking for solutions. The repeated instances of gun violence have shaken the community, and there is a growing demand for both short-term interventions and long-term strategies to address the root causes of the violence.

Local leaders like Pastor Kiya Brinkley are calling for unity among community members, law enforcement, and city officials. “Certainly we pray,” Brinkley said, “but it’s also prayer that’s coupled with action.” The message from both residents and leaders is clear: while spiritual guidance is important, action and collaboration between all sectors of the community are needed to put an end to the violence and restore peace in Antioch.

With detectives continuing their investigations and city officials considering the deployment of additional resources, the hope is that those responsible for the shootings will be brought to justice and that Antioch will once again become a safe community for all its residents. However, as the city grapples with the complexities of gun violence, it remains to be seen how quickly these issues can be resolved and whether a lasting peace can be achieved.


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