Home news Philadelphia Store Owners Hit Hard by String of Costly Burglaries (Video)

Philadelphia Store Owners Hit Hard by String of Costly Burglaries (Video)


Philadelphia police are actively searching for two suspects linked to a series of corner store burglaries in Southwest Philadelphia. Surveillance footage has captured the duo in the act at three different stores, and authorities are now seeking the public’s help to apprehend them. The incidents have caused significant financial damage to local business owners, who are struggling to keep their operations afloat.

Philadelphia Store Owners Hit Hard by String of Costly Burglaries

Suspects’ Methods and the Damage Caused

According to investigators, the suspects have developed a method of entering businesses that involves breaking in through cellar doors and basement entrances. This pattern has been consistent across multiple burglaries, as seen in surveillance footage that shows the thieves popping the lock on Bilco doors to gain access to the stores. Once inside, they help themselves to as much merchandise and cash as they can carry before making their escape.

The financial toll on the affected businesses has been severe. Authorities estimate that the total value of merchandise and cash stolen so far amounts to roughly $15,000. In one instance, the suspects targeted a store owned by Herrera’s parents, located at the corner of 66th Street and Buist Avenue. In this burglary, the thieves stole a variety of items, including hats, diapers, and lighters. They even managed to block the security cameras with mustard to avoid detection, while making off with the cash left in the store’s registers. Herrera expressed frustration, stating that the robbery had taken place just over a week ago, adding to the challenges already faced by the store.

Robbery at UCETA Grocery Store

Just a few days before the robbery at Herrera’s store, the same suspects are believed to have burglarized the UCETA Grocery Store on Elmwood Avenue. The owner of the store reported that the thieves made off with approximately $7,000 worth of tobacco products. This theft has been particularly damaging for the store, as the owner revealed that his insurance policy does not cover tobacco products. The owner, in speaking with reporters, lamented the impact of the crime, stating, “You have to protect yourself from the thieves, but there’s only so much you can do.” He emphasized that while they can strengthen their locks and doors, staying in business under these conditions is becoming increasingly difficult.

Ongoing Investigation and Similar Burglaries

The Philadelphia Police Department is actively investigating the burglaries, and detectives have linked the two suspects to at least three similar robberies in the area. One of the other stores targeted by the burglars was the TMP Food Market on the 1700 block of Woodland Avenue. Police have not ruled out the possibility that the suspects may be responsible for additional crimes beyond the three confirmed cases.

As investigators continue to gather evidence, they estimate that the criminals have stolen a combined total of $15,000 in cash and merchandise from the three known burglaries. Authorities are urging anyone with information about the suspects or their whereabouts to contact the police immediately.

Local Business Owners Struggle to Cope

The series of burglaries has left a significant impact on the local business community, where small, family-owned stores are struggling to remain profitable. The owners of the affected businesses have shared their concerns, emphasizing the difficulty of maintaining operations in the face of repeated thefts. One of the victims voiced frustration, stating, “These are the kinds of crimes that make it difficult for people who play by the rules and try to contribute to society.”

The business owners feel that their livelihoods are under threat, as each burglary brings them closer to financial ruin. They stress that they are simply trying to make a living and stay out of trouble, yet these crimes have made it increasingly difficult to sustain their operations.

Appeal to the Public for Help

As the search for the two suspects continues, Philadelphia police are relying on the public to provide any information that could lead to their capture. With surveillance footage offering clear evidence of the crimes, investigators hope that someone will recognize the suspects and come forward. In the meantime, local business owners remain hopeful that the burglars will be apprehended soon, allowing them to focus on rebuilding their businesses.

The Philadelphia Police Department has urged anyone with information about the burglaries to contact law enforcement as soon as possible. Investigators believe that with the community’s help, they will be able to bring the suspects to justice and prevent further burglaries in the area.

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