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Portage County Outrage Grows After Sheriff’s Viral Facebook Post (video)

In recent days, a post made by Portage County Sheriff Bruce Sakowski on social media has stirred significant controversy, leading to national attention and widespread concern. The post, which many have deemed offensive and potentially harmful, has prompted a strong reaction from local residents, as well as from national organizations such as the NAACP.

Portage County Outrage Grows After Sheriff’s Viral Facebook Post (video)

National Attention Drawn to Controversial Post

The controversy began when Sheriff Sakowski posted on Facebook a message instructing people to write down the addresses of individuals displaying yard signs. These yard signs are commonly used during election cycles to show support for political candidates. Sakowski’s post suggested keeping track of these addresses so that they could be given to “illegal human locusts” — a derogatory term seemingly aimed at undocumented immigrants — who might need housing. This message quickly went viral, with many people calling it not only irresponsible but also potentially illegal under state and federal laws.

The tone of the post raised immediate alarm among residents and civil rights groups. Many individuals in the community expressed fear that the post could lead to voter intimidation, harassment, or even violence, especially toward people whose political views differ from those of the sheriff. Experts with the nonpartisan Campaign Legal Center weighed in, calling the post irresponsible and noting that it might violate laws designed to protect voters from intimidation.

Local Concerns and Reactions

Following the viral spread of the sheriff’s post, the Portage County branch of the NAACP held an emergency meeting to address the growing concerns. Hundreds of people attended the meeting, filling the room with a mix of fear, frustration, and a desire for action. Community members expressed their concerns, with many stating that they now feared repercussions simply for displaying yard signs in support of political candidates. Some residents said they worried about whether they could trust the sheriff’s office to help them in times of need, especially if they supported opposing political parties.

Other members of the community expressed outright anger, with several attendees calling for the immediate removal of Sheriff Sakowski from his position. One individual spoke passionately about the need to organize a grassroots campaign, involving petitions and community action, to have the sheriff removed from office. Many people at the meeting felt that the sheriff had used his position of power to sow fear and division, particularly by making a post that some viewed as a direct threat to local residents’ rights to freely express their political preferences.

Calls for Accountability

In response to the outcry, the national office of the NAACP launched an investigation into Sheriff Sakowski’s actions. The investigation is focusing on whether the post constitutes voter intimidation, a serious offense that could result in legal consequences. The investigation is still ongoing, and the national NAACP has promised to keep the public informed as the situation develops.

The local branch of the NAACP has been vocal about their disappointment and concern over the sheriff’s conduct. One community leader highlighted that Sheriff Sakowski took an oath to serve and protect all members of the community, regardless of their race, political affiliation, or beliefs. The post, they said, calls into question the sheriff’s ability to fulfill that role without bias or discrimination. They emphasized that law enforcement officials are entrusted with ensuring the safety of all people in their jurisdiction and must not use their authority to intimidate or target specific groups.

Sheriff’s Silence and Community Response

Efforts to reach Sheriff Sakowski for comment have so far been unsuccessful. The sheriff has not issued any public statements addressing the controversy, nor has he responded to inquiries from media outlets. His silence has only fueled further frustration within the community, with many residents feeling that his refusal to address the situation reflects poorly on his leadership and commitment to the community’s well-being.

Residents who spoke to the media expressed their belief that the sheriff’s actions were an abuse of power. They feared that if left unaddressed, the post could embolden others to act on discriminatory or harmful impulses. Some residents also shared their concerns about whether they could trust the sheriff’s office to provide impartial assistance, particularly if they were perceived as political opponents. One attendee questioned whether simply displaying a bumper sticker for a political candidate might result in being unfairly targeted by law enforcement.

National Implications and Ongoing Investigations

This incident is not only a local issue but one with national implications. The post by Sheriff Sakowski highlights broader concerns about the role of law enforcement in political matters, particularly in a climate where tensions over political views are running high. The use of social media by public officials to express divisive opinions has become an increasing source of concern, as these platforms can spread messages quickly and widely, sometimes with dangerous consequences.

The investigation by the NAACP and other legal experts will determine whether Sheriff Sakowski’s post violated any laws, and if so, what consequences he may face. In the meantime, the community remains divided, with some residents calling for his immediate resignation and others fearful of what might happen next.

As the situation continues to unfold, the Portage County NAACP and concerned community members have vowed to remain vigilant, advocating for accountability and justice. Many are hopeful that this controversy will result in necessary changes to prevent similar incidents from occurring in the future.


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