Renowned entrepreneur and media mogul, Russell Simmons, along with former GlobalGrind. com Co-President, Tricia Clarke-Stone, today announced a partnership to form Narrative: The Culture Lab. Narrative is a digital marketing, entertainment and technology company focused on developing unique brand experiences and solutions.
Employing a blend of strategy, creative innovation, technology & cultural relevance to connect brands with the new American mainstream across platforms. Narrative will continue to manage GlobalGrind. com’s growing client base with marketing, revenue generation services, and sales media representation.
In backing the venture, Simmons remarked: “Tricia Clarke-Stone is one of the great talents I’ve come across in many years. She creates campaigns that use the wonderful changes taking place in culture, demographics and technology to tell compelling stories that are to digital advertising campaigns what HBO is to conventional television. I’m proud to be supporting her in taking digital advertising to the next level and enriching brands, agencies and publi