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Teen Girl Found Guilty of Shooting Her Mother to Death (Video)

A chilling and tragic case involving a teenage girl convicted of killing her mother has shocked a community. The 14-year-old, Carly Greg, has been found guilty of first-degree murder after fatally shooting her mother in the face. The case, which took place in the family home, left jurors with little doubt about her guilt as the entire crime was captured on the home’s surveillance cameras.

Teen Girl Found Guilty of Shooting Her Mother to Death

The Crime Captured on Surveillance

Home security footage documented the moment Carly Greg, then 15 years old, took a handgun and crept through the house before shooting her mother. The video shows the teenager moving with intent, armed and ready to execute the horrific crime. Moments later, gunshots were heard, and Carly coldly sat in the kitchen after killing her mother. As if the murder itself wasn’t shocking enough, she immediately set up an ambush for her stepfather. Using her mother’s phone, she lured him back home by texting, “When will you be home, honey?” The calculated nature of the attack underscored the disturbing premeditation involved.

The Step-Father’s Narrow Escape

Carly’s stepfather, unaware of the gruesome event that had just transpired, returned to the house thinking nothing was amiss. However, as soon as he opened the kitchen door, Carly fired at him. The shot hit him in the shoulder, wounding him but not killing him. Despite the injury, he managed to call 911, and emergency responders arrived on the scene shortly thereafter.

Calm Demeanor During Arrest

When police officers arrived at the scene, they found Carly calm and composed, despite the gravity of the crime she had just committed. Body camera footage from the arrest shows the teenager being swabbed for gunshot residue as part of the investigation process. Carly’s composure during her arrest was as unsettling as the crime itself, leading many to question her mental state during the ordeal.

Evidence Presented in Court

During the trial, the prosecution laid out the gruesome details of the crime, including a disturbing diary entry written by Carly. In the diary, she had written, “You don’t need family. It’s okay to be evil.” This chilling statement gave insight into her mindset at the time of the murder. The jury was also shown the surveillance footage, making it difficult to dispute the sequence of events.

Adding to the tension in the courtroom, the prosecutor demonstrated how the murder took place by reenacting the scene with the same handgun Carly had used. The prosecutor fired four imaginary shots while the jury listened to the victim’s screams echoing in their minds. It was an intense moment that drove home the brutality of the crime.

The Insanity Defense Rejected

Carly’s defense team attempted to argue that she should be found not guilty by reason of insanity. They claimed Carly had been taking medication for anxiety and depression, which had impacted her mental state. As part of their argument, they presented evidence that Carly had told her doctor she felt like a “zombie” while on the medication. However, the prosecution argued that the calculated nature of the attack, including the text sent to her stepfather to lure him into the house, suggested otherwise.

The jury was unconvinced by the defense’s argument. After only one hour of deliberation, they returned a verdict of guilty for first-degree murder. Carly remained expressionless as the decision was read aloud in court.

Life Without Parole

Following the guilty verdict, the jury recommended that Carly Greg be sentenced to life without the possibility of parole. Given the severity of the crime and the clear evidence of premeditation, the decision seemed inevitable. Carly wept openly in court as the sentence was announced, but the gravity of her actions ensured that there would be no leniency.

A Community in Shock

The case has left the local community reeling, as the image of a young girl committing such a heinous act is hard to comprehend. The case has raised discussions about teen mental health, the effects of medication on behavior, and the responsibilities of parents and healthcare providers to monitor the psychological well-being of troubled teens. Despite the defense’s attempts to paint Carly as a victim of her own mental health struggles, the jury’s swift decision reflects the seriousness with which they viewed the crime.

In the end, Carly Greg, who appeared to be an ordinary teenage girl, was found guilty of a premeditated and violent act that claimed her mother’s life and nearly took her stepfather’s as well. It is a tragic reminder of how appearances can be deceiving and how the unthinkable can happen in the most unsuspecting of places.


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