Wednesday, July 3, 2024

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The Five: “The Squad” Suffers an Alarming Defeat (Video)


In a recent primary election, prominent far-left congressman Jamaal Bowman faced a significant loss, indicating potential shifts in political dynamics within the Democratic Party.

Jamaal Bowman’s Defeat

Congressman Jamaal Bowman was defeated by George Latimer in a double-digit loss during the Democratic primary. Despite support from high-profile figures like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) and Bernie Sanders, Bowman was unable to secure enough votes. His defeat is seen as an alarming setback for the group of progressive lawmakers known as “The Squad.”

Reaction and Statements

Post-defeat, Bowman expressed frustration, attributing his loss to substantial super PAC funding, which he claimed misled voters. He stated that dark money and opposition alliances contributed to his defeat, continuing to portray himself as a victim of external forces rather than acknowledging any personal or campaign shortcomings.

Analysis by The Five

Greg Gutfeld critiqued Bowman, emphasizing his victim mentality and linking progressive policies to societal issues such as crime and homelessness. He highlighted the public’s growing discontent with progressive stances on various issues, suggesting that voters are starting to reject the broader progressive agenda.

Jesse Watters discussed the broader implications of Bowman’s defeat, mentioning that AOC’s involvement in the rally for Bowman could tarnish her political capital. He noted that Bowman’s loss, despite high-profile support, could signal trouble for other members of “The Squad.”

Anti-Semitism Concerns

Bowman faced accusations of anti-Semitism, which reportedly influenced voters, particularly Jewish Democrats, against him. His perceived hostility towards Jewish interests and alignment with pro-Palestinian stances were highlighted as key factors in his defeat. The panelists speculated that Cori Bush, another member of “The Squad,” might also face challenges due to similar concerns in her constituency.


The defeat of Jamaal Bowman is seen as a significant indicator of shifting sentiments within the Democratic Party. It reflects growing dissatisfaction with progressive policies and the influence of controversial stances on key issues like anti-Semitism. As the political landscape evolves, the future of other prominent progressive figures may also be at risk, signaling a potential reset towards more moderate positions within the party.


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