The Industry Dot Biz: I was reading over Clear Channel’s Premium Choice concept over the last couple of days before I gave my opinion… For the most part, I’m impressed. I really like the local initiaitves to host more PSAs, community involvement and rewarding local, lesser known Radio DJs reward initiatives for bringing results. As you know, I am a local DJistorian (OK, I made up that word) and I’m pretty much against syndication (until I get offered my own show at which point I will be all for it). Even more impressive is the company’s commitment to local artists and playing their music and having local boards in every market. Moreover their commitment and understand ing of the importance of online promotion and audience are impressive. Did they finally get some youth on the boards over there?
The push on Ryan Seacrest and Steve Harvey could have been left out of the presentation, as if they need any more of a push but overall, I approve…. Will Radio One follow?