CUMULUS MEDIA announces that Urban radio station WYNN 106.3 in Florence, SC, has added DeDe in the Morning to the station’s morning lineup. The morning show stars DeDe McGuire, with co-hosts Lady Jade, Rudy Rush, and comedian Michael Shawn, and will air on WYNN Monday through Friday from 5 am-10 am ET, and on Saturday from 6am-10am ET.
Mike “BigMMike” Bell, WYNN Program Director and Afternoon Host, said: “We are excited to bring a fresh morning show to Florence. As the market leader, it was important that we went with a brand that can be trusted to deliver great entertainment our listeners will love. DeDe is a seasoned vet and I’ve been a fan of her work for years. From ‘The Mad Minute’ to offering listeners the chance at $1,000 twice each morning, DeDe in the Morning will be huge for us! We’re excited to welcome the Queen of Morning Radio back to WYNN.”